Selling Online With Jessa - Class is About to Begin
Alright, y’all. Strap in. It’s school time, and I’m here to teach you what I’ve learned about selling handmade goods online. Pottery, specifically, because that’s what I’ve been doing in the most recent years, but also pretty much any handmade good that can be and is sold online, because the principals are all the same. Of course, I can’t unfold everything I know all at once, obviously. It’s going to be a process for all of us, undoubtedly. And I’ll tell you up front that I have serious imposter syndrome. We all struggle with it, right? Right. No, seriously it helps knowing that we all do, but like, I’m here telling you to listen to me because I may have some insights into how to accomplish your goals. Even just making that claim makes me nervous. What if I don’t?
On the other hand, what if I do?
Why should anyone listen to my advice? The only reason I can give you is that I’ve been at it for over a decade. I’ve made all the mistakes, and I’ve stubbornly been doing it on the very, very cheap since the beginning. Here’s an unpopular opinion for you: I don’t pay for advertising on any platform because, well, I’ve been broke most of my adult life, and I was raised to be very fiscal. Er, frugal, as they call it. I became a business owner so that I could justify spending tax-free money on craft supplies, to be completely honest. I stand by it, too, because trying to sell handmade goods online is TOUGH and art supplies are EXPENSIVE. No doubt, you know this pretty well. That’s probably why you’re here. Unless you’re my mom. Love you, mom! Thanks for reading <3
Okay, so I’ve been talking to my other creative friends about this for a while now, and battling the aforementioned imposters syndrome, but I have a legit website now, and monetizing it has always been the point. Also, I am convinced that I have unique perspective to offer, and I want to help all my fellow creatives succeed as much as I want to succeed. So, that’s what this new series, Selling Online With Jessa, is going to be about. It’s going to be an ongoing series of content centered around me sharing my knowledge about being a maker. Did I mention I’m terribly introverted? I probably should have mentioned that up front. Oh well. Now you know!
So, if you’re also an introverted maker of handmade goods that are intended for sale to the public but don’t want to pay for advertising or get swamped by work, you’re in the right place! The introverted part isn’t really necessary; extroverts are welcome, too! I love you all, even if I lack your general enthusiasm for interacting with other humans.
Over the next month I am going to work on giving this whole project structure and creating the first installment of curriculum. There will probably be a podcast involved, because I have run out of excuses to start recording a podcast. I’m setting the goal now to have both published by April 1, 2021. This is probably the best time to start an email list and give the whole “monthly” newsletter thing a try. If you’re interested in getting in on that action, send me an email through the Contact link. Also, wish me luck!